Learn to Play Chess

Chess is a complex game. Not regarding the moves but regarding the strategies one needs to opt for winning. From the basic rules to advanced tactics, theory and opening and ending moves, the entire game of chess is subjected to a lot of patience and concentration. Practicing meditation alongside learning to play chess is thus a vital part. And it is important to know the following before starting the actual tutorial.

- Chess is played on a board with 64 squares; 32 black, 32 white.

- The pieces are to be arranged in a way so that a white square comes in the lower right corner of the chessboard.

- The objective of the game is to checkmate the opponent's King. Checkmate is the status attained when a king is attacked and captured.

- The Rooks occupy the corner boxes. The Knights (horses) stand between the Rooks and the Bishops. The King and the queen occupy the middle two boxes of the same row.

- The white and black Queens both begin the game on squares of their color. The white Queen begins on a white square. The black Queen begins on a black square.

- White moves first, and then black; the turns continue till checkmate; till one player resigns or both players agree to a draw.

The Moves

- The King: One step in any direction if no obstructions are present.

- The Queen: Any length in any direction in a linear fashion if no obstructions are present.

- The Bishops: Angular directions, unlimited, if no obstructions are present.

- The Knights: The most complex of moves; first two boxes in a linear fashion and then it should land on any of the boxes lying on either side of the last box covered. Imagine a T ; the knight should rest at any of the ends of the T. Obstruction does not count.

- The Rooks: Unlimited, linear motion if no obstructions are present.

- Pawns: Two steps max from the starting line and one step forward from then onwards and angular, one-step movement while making a kill. Reaching the other side makes a pawn equal to the Queen.

Benefits of playing chess

Learn to play chess for leisurely hours while honing analytical prowess. It increases concentration and patience and played within a limit can help develop the ability to solve everyday problems.


This article focuses on playing chess at the rookie level; if you want to learn to play chess for advanced levels, there are tutorials available by eminent chess-players that explain the strategies and the related moves.