Classy Chess Boards

Chess has a long history, extending back more than 1600 years and yet it is the most popular game in the world. Chess is a very old game that engages two simulated "armies." Each game is a fierce combat fought by foot soldiers, knights, kings, and queens. Although Chess does not deal with numbers and equations, it is like math in many ways. Playing chess has always involved problem-solving skills, which are imperative when working out math equations that have many steps. However, unlike math, the ultimate aim in a Chess game is to checkmate the opponent by capturing the opposing King. Sounds easy enough, right? Not necessarily true. The strategies and advance planning are the keys to winning games.

The most primeval and perhaps most enduring feature of Chess are certainly the Chess boards, the "battleground" upon which it is played, the field of Chess struggle. They consist of sixty-four parts, each part a small square, in their totality comprising a large square. In eight rows and perpendicularly thereto, in 8 lines the sixty-four squares are arranged. Accordingly, one can draw Chess Boards by halving the side of a large square three times in succession. The industrial process of manufacturing Chess Boards is therefore very simple, and the logical conception, neither is apprehension of the boards intricate. It is interesting to note that the chess boards can be simple or elaborate in construction. High school kids still learn to make chess boards in their wood shop classes. The boards are made from many different materials. From cardboard to wood and even marble, there is a wide variety of boards to choose from.

The acuity of the sixty-four squares by the eye is not so easy, but it has been eased by the use of color. The Chess Boards are made up of sixty-four squares arrayed in an 8x8 grid of alternately colored black and white squares. It is of importance that the learner of Chess should know the board very accurately. The apprentice should be able to visualize each square in its individual position, as well as in its relation to its neighboring squares. Consequently, Chess Boards have been divided into three regions - the middle and the two wings. Each player starts of with sixteen pieces, set up in two rows. There are six different types of pieces and each moves in a different way. One player has white pieces and other has black ones. The player with the white pieces makes the first move.