Chess - The King of Brain Teaser Games

One of the most popular board games is chess. Lots of parents like it for the opportunities it provides to their child. The game has a powerful strategy and needs lots of thinking and diligence. All this will be very helpful to the child in future studying and making career choices.

As you know, chess is played on the checker board with 64 black and white squares by two players. The goal of the game is to checkmate the king of your opponent. The game itself has an Indian origin and now it is popular around the World. Besides being just a usual board game, chess is a sport and there are many famous sportsmen in this field. For example, Garry Kasparov is one of these people. Chess tournaments are held by a lot of schools and universities; it is played at home and in clubs. In my mind, playing chess is the best way to teach your kids to see the consequences of their own movements and to think of their opponent's strategy.

Now there are plenty of strategies to win the game but their main principles are alike. At first, you should keep in mind the value of all pieces (e.g. 1 point for a pawn and 9 for a queen) and always defend your pieces. We are not talking about sacrificing any to checkmate your opponent. This strategy is known as gambit and it is not very popular. Certainly, you should have enough practice to see all the possible consequences of gambit that exist for you and your opponent. Think thoroughly about all of the possible movements and never underestimate your opponent! Learning these principles and using them in real life will certainly help your child obtain success as nothing helps them develop logical thinking as well as a game of chess does.

Another important part of strategy in the game is controlling the centre and being able to take initiative. You must not be afraid to risk or make threads to your opponent. You just have to think through all of the consequences and if your profit is big and the worst consequences won't lead to complete failure, you have to try risky tactics. Therefore practicing chess adds confidence to your decision-making and trains players' careful thinking.

Nowadays you don't even have to find an opponent to play with you - with the development of modern computer technologies you can freely play computer chess or online chess. It's a very convenient way to have fun and play chess when you're alone, or in case if your only child wants to play chess but you're busy. Of course, playing chess with mom is much more interesting and attractive than playing the same thing game on a computer. Spending time together with your son or daughter will add enjoyment to your day and will make your relations closer. The only thing you need to do is to devote some time to your kid and his or her needs.

Chess is one game which can easily be classified as a brain teaser. It requires thinking, planning, looking at the future and working on a strategy. It also involves making and adjusting moves according to the opponent. A real brain developer which has a rich historical past and a fabulous future ahead. No matter how successful the modern video games become, chess was and is still the real brain teaser.