Learn to love math. Develop a healthy appreciation of math facts. Whatever you love you do well in. It is also true that some people love numbers and concepts while others enjoy letting someone else work with numbers. If you learn the concept that there are many methods of doing math it will help you to value math and therefore develop a love for applying math concepts. Guaranteed you will appreciate math when you see how it gets you wins.
See the value of math. Math shows you how to think logically. Math gives you fact. When your strategy is based on fact and logic, therefore truth, it benefits you not a little. When you see how math helps you develop winning strategies in your chess board game, you will use it more and more. Learn all the moves of each chess piece. Know the limitations as well as the endless possibilities of each chess piece move. When you learn to value math will not lose your love of math facts. Build on what you know and keep learning. Improve in your addition, subtraction math skills and learn how to apply geometry and algebra in your chess game.
Appreciate the application of math facts. Understand that what you do not use, you do lose. An example of this is learning when the pawn chess piece can move two spaces and when it can only move one space. Learn the direction the pawn can move in and when it can move in a different direction. Learn what the pawn can do to return chess pieces to your chess board game. Learn why it is called a pawn. Knowing these math facts, rules and concepts can give your strategy game a new dimension. Learn to solve your chess problems easily with the math operations.
Get emotionally involved. A chess player gets enthusiastic when he is learning to win. There is in all persons and every age the desire and the need to feel value, to be confident that there is something you are good at. Playing chess can bring the positive and unfortunately the negative aspect of this concept. Make sure you have the positive emotion, the thrill of learning and competing also, without allowing yourself to dwell on a poor result of any game. Chess problems should encourage a chess player to use his developing math skills to work more effectively. Keep on focusing on developing your chess strategy through good math concepts, through truth and fact. You will always know you did a good job.
Want to play chess. Many of us do not care about mental math games, or care if we play a strategy game. The potential for winning and developing character through playing a strategy game is tremendous. If you are a potential chess player develop a mindset winning, do not get caught up in fearing to fail. Get over it, realize that you will fail at times, but use chess problems as a stepping stone to make changes in your thinking so you will have a desire to do your best, develop the best game strategy that you can, and start winning. Many players really believe they cannot win. That is not applying good math concepts or even life principles because it is not based on truth. There will be players that are better than you, but not everyone and not every time. Think about that.
Want to win. It sounds too crazy to even mention, but many of us are so beat down that we have no desire to win. If you find someone like that, get behind them and share basic math concepts, basic life principles. Be the example that another player needs to change his mindset and start winning. Do it, even if he beats you. Teach someone else and you will feel better than you have ever felt in your life. It works well to have either a mentor or a work at this as a team. All you really need is to have someone say they believe you can do this. Well, we believe you can learn chess well enough to enjoy it by doing your best. If you do your best, you always do win, no matter how the chess board game ends up.
Of course, in conclusion, solving chess problems with math facts can be applied in every aspect of life. That is why they are basic math facts, basic life principles. Try to base your chess strategy and your mindset on truth, and see what happens to your chess board game, and maybe even your life. We have seen it happen over and over again when truth is applied, lives and mindsets change. We hope that it will do the same for you. Learn some basic chess strategy; solve your chess problems with math facts and start winning. It really is easy to have fun playing chess.
Dee Jayne and her business involve her family totally. She is devoted to family relationships and enjoys learning along with her family all about business. She loves to involve her family in writing great content rich in life experience. Be inspired by her genuine love for what she stands for and the rich heritage she has in sharing her love of knowledge and education. Discover a whole new dimension to playing and learning chess with our Decorative Stone and Marble Chess Sets.