The Great Benefits Of Chess - Improve At Chess Now, Enjoy 3 Huge Benefits And Valuable Life Skills

Chess - with thousands of books written about it (tactics, strategy, openings, its history, etc.), this 64-squared board game is, without a doubt, the most popular of its kind.

Now, you may be thinking: "Aside from the bragging rights of being the best chess player around the block and winning games, why are people all over the globe are trying really hard to improve at chess? What are the great benefits of chess?"

The answer: A LOT!

I would go as far as saying that learning chess the right way makes you a better and well rounded person - more productive, more disciplined, better at decision making, etc. than those who don't!

Great Benefits Of Chess 1

Unlike other popular sports and games out there, you don't need to be physically strong or mentally talented to enjoy the game.

Heck! Believe it or not, even the world's greatest players (Reshevsky, Carlsen, etc.) are NOT the smartest guys among their peers. These world-class chess players only have average or above average IQs. This is something.

YES, chess is something you can excel in. It's a game that could bring fulfillment no matter what your age, IQ, etc. is.

Great Benefits Of Chess 2

Playing, learning, and improving in chess expose you to a disciplined environment. Getting better at chess requires you to regularly study all its 3 phases -

1. Chess opening

2. Learn chess tactics and strategies

3. Master the subtleties of the endgame.

Being disciplined is something that you can take with you and benefit from no matter where you are - whether you are working at the corporate world, as a freelancer, building your own business, and everything else in between.

Great Benefits Of Chess 3

Life is full of challenges, and so is a game of chess!

How to face your opponent's opening novelties? Which strategy to pursue in a branching variation of the Sicilian Defense? Should you pursue an aggressive and tactical strategy or one that is quiet and try to acquire positional advantages?

These are just some of the questions and challenges that a chess player faces every time he sits at the board. When you are used to these kinds of chess problems and challenges, when you can keep your head cool and clear despite the hardships, dealing with life, which can be a prick, is MUCH easier!