Improving Your Chess Game - How to Play Smarter Than a Fifth Grader

One of the hottest prime-time shows right now is "Are You Smarter Then a 5th Grader", pitting grown ups against kids in a battle of wits. Now I'm not sure if it's rigged or if people really are that "lost" (to put it nicely) but regardless of how you would fare on a show like this, here are a few tips to make sure that at least your chess game is "smarter than a 5th grader's".

Read up on Chess and Chess Strategy

While you may be thinking that you can only improve your game by playing it, this is not true. You can actually find many helpful tips and strategies by reading books and magazines that are about chess. Try to internalize what you learn when you are reading, and then play a game using what you have learned. Then, go back and read some more until you have what you read down pat.

As you are reading, you may also want to take some notes on what you are reading as well. Keep a notebook of new strategies and moves that you read about so you can study them over and over again. Writing them down will also help to imprint them into your mind more deeply as well. Later when you are playing you may want to look at your notes for a bit of help until you can remember the moves on your own.

Play with Advanced Players

Another great way that you can work to improve your chess game is to play with advanced players. Usually it is best if you play with a handicap to make the game more interesting for both players. While you are playing with a more advanced player you can learn from the strategies they use and learn how to combat their strategies as well. The more you play with an advanced player, the more skill you will develop as well.

Practice by Using Computer Software

One way of improving your skills that many people overlook is by using computer software. There are a variety of different computer chess games that you can get so you can play chess against the computer. You can also purchase portable chess games as well so you can play almost anywhere. These games are developed to not only allow you to play the game, but many of them also have a special teaching mode as well that will help you learn how to pick the best moves.

Just taking the time to use these methods of learning can help you enhance and develop your chess skills. While they will help you improve, you probably should not expect to be winning against seasoned players overnight. Learning and improving takes time, but the more you work, the better you will become at this game. Using just one of these methods will help, but using them all together will bring about the best results.