How Chess Can Improve Your Child's Skills

You may have not considered it before, but the fact is that chess can improve your child's skills in a variety of ways. Sometimes learning comes through life experiences, and sometimes learning comes from books and a classroom setting. Other times, however, learning is a bit more fun, and in fact your child can really learn and improve on a variety of skills through a timeless board game. Here are some ways that chess can improve your child's skills:

Attention and Focus

Chess is a game of strategy, and in order to be truly successful at it, you have to pay rapt attention to the game and focus on the moves. You actually will have to really concentrate on the board to be successful, focusing on how each piece moves and where the possibilities for his next move can be as well as yours. These are areas that will help your child improve in school as well as in other areas throughout his life.

Strategy and Problem Solving

It is no surprise to hear that chess is a game of strategy, and the more your child plays, the more chess can improve your child's skills in these areas. These are important areas to develop, as they will come in handy throughout life. Your child will have to apply logic and think through various strategies. As he progresses with his skills in the game, you will find that he has taught himself how to think not just one move ahead, but rather three, four, or even more moves ahead.

Independent Thinking

Many children today grow up to be dependent on their parents and others. While this is fine as a child, it becomes problematic if that behavior continues into adulthood. Chess can improve your child's skills in this area, forcing him to think through the game and make independent decisions without consulting you even though you are sitting right there in front of him. This is an important skill to have, as independent thought and decision-making are the backbone to leading a successful life, and it can also help your child avoid the lure of peer pressure as he progresses through the teen years and early adulthood when temptations are many. In addition to helping your child improve in all of these areas, it is also important to note that studies have shown that kids who play chess regularly score higher on IQ tests than those who don't.

Obviously this game is more than just a game but rather is a tremendous opportunity that your child can put to use to improve skills, expand knowledge, and really stretch those brain muscles. While some educational opportunities may be a drag for kids, you will find that when you engage your child regularly in this game, he or she will grow intellectually all while having a blast playing a game with you. Chess can improve your child's skills in these areas as well as pave the way for increased intelligence, too, so be sure to play the game regularly with your child!